Berita Terkini

Summarecon Mal Kelapa Gading (MKG) for the third time presented an annual event in order to welcome the National Batik Day, named `Pesona Batik Wastra Nusantara` which was held on 26 September - 7 October 2018.
The series of events presented include: Batik Gallery Bazaar supported by Adi Wastra Nusantara. `Indonesian Shawl` Exhibition as one of the new things that was featured this year, displaying shawl made of batik. Batik Fashion Parade by Indonesian Designers will also be held, featuring a fashion show of batik collections from Indonesian batik craftsmen and entrepreneurs and well known Indonesian designers. Not only wastra Nusantara, MKG also present elements of handicrafts in Craft & Ideas Workshop. Don`t miss the top Indonesian artist performances, namely Andien (29 September) and Angel Pieters (6 October).
One of the interesting stories from the Batik Gallery Bazaar came from one of the participants, namely Batik Marunda which was the production of Batik Tiga Rusun (Three Flats` Batik), where the collections of batik were the handiwork of batik makers from Rawa Bebek Flats, Marunda Flats, and Besakih Flats. The philosophy was divided into 3 processes, namely the Canting Batik Process carried out by women group from the Rawa Bebek Flat, the Batik Dyeing Process carried out by women group from the Marunda Flat, and finally the Embroidering Process carried out by women group from Besakih Flat.
For more information, you can visit Instagram @MKGLaPiazza or the website