Berita Terkini

JF3 Fashion Festival, one of the biggest fashion festivals in Indonesia, is back this year on 1 - 11 September 2022 at Summarecon Mall Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. JF3 carries the hashtag #CulturalDiversity, as a form of support for cultural diversity in Indonesia.
This year JF3 raised two important subjects, namely sustainability, as an invitation to start a fashion movement that is socially and environmentally responsible to support a better life.
In addition, another important subject is culture, this is applied by presenting fashion-based designers, brands and SMEs who have a vision to promote culture in their work, both on the JF3 runway and in fashion village exhibitions. These two themes are also in line with Summarecon's vision to build a harmonious and sustainable life.
JF3 also provides acceleration to young creatives through the PINTU Incubator program, a collaboration between JF3 and LAKON Indonesia, and the French Embassy through IFI. This program aims to enable young creatives to be able to manage a brand and run their business activities professionally. Meanwhile, the search for new talents in the modeling business are answered through the JF3 Model Search which this time was carried out in 3 big cities, namely Medan, Surabaya and Jakarta.
The Fashion Festival presents a series of fashion shows featuring various works of well-known designers and brands in Indonesia on September 1-6 2022. Located at JF3 Fashion Tent, La Piazza Summarecon Kelapa Gading, Jakarta. A special facility built to present a runway equipped with the latest technology so that it becomes a new standard in the presentation of Indonesian fashion that meets the implementation of international-class fashion shows.
In the 6 days of organizing the fashion festival, a parade of the works from fashion prominent people will also be carried out by leading brands and designers. It opened with an accessory show as a collaboration between Samuel Wattimena and The Palace titled "Tamra Nusantara" and a closing show titled "Lorong Waktu" which was the result of collaboration between LAKON Indonesia and Maestro Batik Pekalongan, Cahyo. Several other names such as Tities Sapoetra, Wilsen Willim, Didi Budiardjo, Danny Satriadi, Ivan Gunawan, Mel Ahyar, as well as collaborations with 60 local brands from LAKON Store, Danjyo Hiyoji and several Indonesian fashion institutions such as Dekranasda Nusa Tenggara Timur, APPMI, IPMI and Cita Tenun Indonesia participated in the JF3 2022 series.