Berita Terkini

The Pradita Institute of Science and Technology, also known as Pradita Institute, an educational institution initiated by PT Summarecon Agung Tbk and its partners, has expanded its cooperation with several private institutions and institutions, PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, Indivara Group and PT Airmas Asri. The signing ceremony which took place on the campus of Pradita, Summarecon Serpong, on Saturday, December 16, 2017, conducted by Rector Pradita Institute, Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit M.Sc., M.B.A., M.Phil., M.A., and Soegianto Nagaria as Director Summarecon, Jusuf Sjariffudinselaku CEO of Indivara Group, and Ardi Jahya as Vice President Director of PT Airmas Asri.
The cooperation will cover the areas of educational development, research, and community service, with each company engaging in curriculum development, providing teachers with practitioners' backgrounds, engaging in the development of facilities and infrastructure for the study program. Summarecon will be involved for the development of facilities and infrastructure of all study programs, Indivara for Information Systems and Information Engineering, and PT Airmas Asri for Architecture Study Program.