Berita Terkini

On Thursday, March 31, 2022, located at the Dharma Agung Funeral Home in Bekasi, Summarecon handed over assistance in the form of an incinerator machine which will later be used as an additional crematorium facility. The symbolic handover of Summarecon was given by Benjamin Sharif as Director of Summarecon and witnessed directly by Plt. Mayor of Bekasi Dr. H. Tri Adhianto Tjahyono, S.E., M.M.
This incinerator machine assistance is needed in line with the limited land area and the high cost of burial. The Covid-19 pandemic condition also makes this need even more urgent because of long queues due to the demand for cremation of people who died from the virus is very high, so families have to wait a long time to get their turn and prices are very high. This incinerator machine can carry out a smokeless cremation process with duration of cremations for 2 hours.