Berita Terkini
Feeling grief and deep concern for the victims of flood disaster that occurred in Jakarta, Bekasi, Tangerang and surrounding areas. This prompted PT Summarecon Agung Tbk., through the Summarecon Peduli Foundation to take part in helping flood victims by carrying out the Distribution of Basic Needs Assistance Activities for flood victims in Jakarta and Bekasi.
Summarecon Peduli Foundation distributed a total of 740 packages to several areas of Jakarta with a distribution of 350 packages for the Pulo Nangka area, 235 packages for Kelurahan Tanah Merah and 155 packages for the Rawa Indah area. While for some areas of Bekasi distributed as many as 650 packages for Kelurahan Marga Mulya, 850 packages for Kelurahan Harapan Mulya and 450 packages for Kelurahan Harapan Baru.