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Celebrating the National Batik Day on October 2nd, Summarecon Mal Kelapa Gading (MKG) for the second time presents the 'Pesona Batik Wastra Nusantara' event on September 29 - October 8, 2017.
'Pesona Batik Wastra Nusantara' is held by MKG every year as a medium to showcase the beauty of batik charm that is a wastra Nusantara, while improving its local industry by educating and inviting visitors to be more loving and appreciate one of the richness of Indonesian culture through various events.
But this year MKG not only focus the series of events on batik, but the elements of other Nusantara culture of handicrafts to various traditional games. It is intended that the public increasingly recognize and appreciate the cultural wealth of Indonesia.
Pesona Batik Wastra Nusantara 2017
Summarecon Mal Kelapa Gading
(The Forum, Atrium, MKG 3-5, Gading Walk)
Opening Hours: Mon - Sun, 10 am - 10 pm