Berita Terkini
Summarecon as a Property Developer Indonesia through its business unit, Summarecon Bandung always contributes to the growth and development of regional infrastructure, PT Margautama Nusantara (MUN), PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk and PT Summarecon Agung Tbk (SMRA) carried out the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding for the Bandung Intra Urban Toll Road (BIUTR) project. The memorandum of understanding was signing by the President Director of PT Margautama Nusantara (MUN), Danni Hasan; PT Wijaya Karya (Persero) Tbk Operation Director I Agung Budi Waskito; and Executive Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk, Hindarko Hasan at the Nikko Hotel, Nusa Dua Bali, Saturday, October 13th, 2018.
BIUTR project has a length of 25.35 KM with an investment value of approximately Rp10trillion will connect the region Pasteur - Cileunyi (Toll Cisumdawu) and Gedebage (Toll Purbaleunyi). Construction of the Pasteur - Cileunyi route will pass through Gasibu, Pahlawan, Cicaheum, Ujung Berung, Cibiru. Meanwhile, construction in the Ujung Berung section will also proceed to Gedebage until it is connected.