Berita Terkini
The Establishment of Summarecon Bekasi Transit Oriented Development (TOD)
On Thursday, March 10, 2022, located at Gambir Station, a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) was signed between PT Summarecon Agung Tbk. (Summarecon) and PT KAI Indonesia (Persero) regarding the cooperation plan to build access at Bekasi Station as part of the Development of Summarecon Bekasi Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The signing was carried out by Jeffrie N. Korompis as Director of Strategic Planning and Business Development of PT KAI Indonesia (Persero) together with Jason Lim as Director of Summarecon, also accompanied with Didiek Hartantyo as President Director of PT KAI Indonesia (Persero) and Herman Nagaria as Director of Summarecon.
The signing of this MoU is the beginning of the implementation of what has been stated by Presidential Regulation number 55 of 2018, regarding the Jabodetabek transportation master plan for 2018-2029, in table 5 regarding the implementation of integrated urban transportation development strategies and programs, as mentioned is TOD Summarecon in Bekasi City. The development of TOD Summarecon Bekasi will include the construction of a Station Extension and Connecting Skybridge which also will become new access to the train station in Bekasi. The existence of TOD Summarecon will be a facility that provides convenience and comfort for the people of Bekasi in utilizing public transportation such as Commuter Line (KRL) and Light Rail Transit (LRT).