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Thursday, September 26th 2019 the groundbreaking of the Asy Syukur Mosque will take place next to the entrance of Advani and Elora, Summarecon Emerald Karawang.
Laying the first stone down of the mosque whose name means an expression of gratitude and pleasure for the gift of God, was attended by Hj. Elli Laeli Komala Head of Sub-district East Karawang, Albert Luhur as an Executive Director of Summarecon Emerald Karawang, Infantry Captain Benieami Hulu of Danramil, Ustadz Saeful Haya from MUI Kondang Jaya, H. Yusuf Tojiri from Religious Harmony Forum East Karawang, Cecep Sunandar as a Village Chief Margasari, Rima as a Director of PT. UTD and Indra Diwangsa, Head of Residential Development Summarecon Emerald Karawang.
The presence of a house of worship in Summarecon Emerald Karawang is expected to be a place of religious activity not only for residents but also open to the public.