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On Friday, January 28, 2022, Pradita University together with the Yayasan Pendidikan Pradita Indonesia, as well as the French Embassy in Indonesia and the Institut Francais d'Indonesie inaugurated IFI Serpong.
The inauguration of IFI Serpong was attended by Olivier Chambard as French Ambassador to Indonesia, Stephane Dovert as Director of IFI, Adrianto P. Adhi as President Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk., Soegianto Nagaria as Director of PT Summarecon Agung Tbk., Herman Nagaria as Chairman of Yayasan Pendidikan Pradita Indonesia and Prof. Dr. Ir. Richardus Eko Indrajit as Rector of Pradita University.
The presence of IFI Serpong is expected to be able to answer the needs of the people of Tangerang and its surroundings who are curious and interested in getting to know France more closely through language classes and cultural events. Not only that, information about continuing studies in France can also be provided at IFI Serpong.
IFI Serpong provides educational standards ranging from curriculum, teachers to exams which are the same as other IFIs branch spread throughout Indonesia. Various French classes will be presented such as:
- Kelas Bahasa Perancis Umum (KBPU) (Diplôme d'études en langue française), which is an official diploma issued by the International Center for Pedagogical Studies, a certification under the Ministry of National Education of the French Republic. KBPU study time is 60 hours/session with program levels from A1 to B2.
- Kelas Bahasa Perancis Tematik (KBPT) which consists of the following class choices:
- For Travel,
- For Culinary Arts
- For Work & Business
KBPT study time is 12 hours/session. This class is perfect for those who want to try to learn French according to their interests.