Pradita Institute Officially Initiate Hospitality & Tourism Lab

On October 11th, 2018, Pradita Institute of Science and Technology or also known as Pradita Institute, an educational institution initiated by PT Summarecon Agung Tbk as a Property Developer Indonesia and its partners, proudly inaugurate the Hospitality & Tourism Lab. This inauguration were signed by Dr. Ir. Patdoni Suwignjo, M.Eng.Sc. as General Director of Institutional Science, Technology, and Higher Education of the Republic of Indonesia.

In this opportunity, Mr. Patdoni Suwignjo showed his appreciation and support for Summarecon’s effort in building a better education for the future from Pradita Institute, who actively dedicate their role in giving the best real education majors. This initiation was marked by the ribbon cutting and signing the inscription by Mr. Patdoni Suwignjo became proof that the Pradita Institute’s Hospitality & Tourism Lab has officially opened.