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Summarecon gained recognition as the brand most recommended by consumers by Indonesia`s leading marketing consultant, Markplus Inc. In the research of 5,800 respondents in big cities, from Jabodetabek, Bandung, Surabaya, Medan & Makassar. Summareon was selected as the most recommended brand with a Gold Award for the Brand Property & Retail category, Housing Developer.
This award is given in WOW Brand Festive Day event, which was held on Thursday, March 8, 2018, held at Ballroom Raffles Hotel Jakarta. The award was received by President Director Summarecon, Adrianto P. Adhi
Indonesia Wow Brand 2018 is an annual event that has entered the third run. This year, this grand event for marketers takes the theme of Brand 4.0, Wow To Now, The Omni Way!