Berita Terkini

The obligation to report taxes has become an annual agenda for the Indonesian community, with the reporting deadline being March 31st every year. To ensure the success of this program, especially during the last week of this month, all Tax Service Offices (KPP) remain open and even open tax corners at several public locations - to assist taxpayers in filing their Annual Tax Returns (SPT). One of these corners is located at Summarecon Mall Bekasi (SMB).
In support of this program, a Tax Corner booth was set up to accommodate the needs of the general public for filing Annual Tax Returns, held on the ground floor of Summarecon Mall Bekasi on March 30 - 31, 2024, from 10:00 AM to 3:00 PM (WIB).
Following direct monitoring of the event by the Director General of Taxes, Mr. Suryo Utomo, on the second day of the event, the Minister of Finance of the Republic of Indonesia, Mrs. Sri Mulyani, also personally greeted the public and interacted regarding tax reporting obligations on Sunday, March 31, 2024, accompanied by Mr. Ugi Cahyono, the Center Director of Summarecon Mall Bekasi.
The Minister expressed great appreciation for the support of the community, especially Summarecon Mall Bekasi, in contributing to the success of filing Annual Tax Returns.