Berita Terkini
PT Summarecon Agung, Tbk (Summarecon) through its business unit, Summarecon Bandung, launched its newest product, The Ruby Commercial and Topaz Commercial on Saturday, November 25th 2017. Ruby Commercial and Topaz Commercial is part of Boulevard Commercial, which is a shop area on Bulevar Road Summarecon Bandung.
The launching of Ruby Commercial and Topaz Commercial stores was successfully executed in Balerea Site Marekting Office Sumarecon Bandung, Gedebage, Bandung City. On this selling time, Topaz Commercial and Ruby Commercial have sold out on phase I, with the amount of 15 units of Topaz Commercial, and 58 units of Ruby Commercial. Ruby Commercial is offered with prices ranging from Rp 2.8 billion with 5 meters width to Rp 6.5 billion with 10 meters width type. While, Topaz Commercial are offered at a price of Rp 2.6 billion with 5 meters width, until the price of Rp 5 billion with 8 meters width.
"The sale of Ruby Commercial and Topaz Commercial Summarecon Bandung today is very satisfying. Earlier on 28 October, Summarecon Serpong also managed to sell out 363 units in a day at the launching of Symphonia, its newest area. It shows that the property market has rising again, especially towards property products with quality. We are grateful that people still believe in Summarecon, and we are getting more optimistic about the property business prospects in 2018,” said President Director of Summarecon, Adrianto P. Adhi.